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If you prefer to take the survey by telephone interview, please call the survey team, Westat, at 1-888-896-3027.

Welcome to My Travels Count

Help us improve transportation in your community

To help us understand the transportation needs of your community, the Tennessee Department of Transportation and its partner regional planning agencies in Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Virginia are asking local households in your area to take part in My Travels Count.

This important survey is conducted across the region and helps build a snapshot of how, when, and why people travel in their daily lives. Regardless of the amount you travel and whether you travel by car, bus, bicycle, or other means, your input is vital. Information collected will assist decision makers in determining where to spend transportation dollars to reduce congestion, improve safety, and increase mobility options in your community.

a winding road in TN
a downtown street scene, TN bikers riding across bridge in TN
a JCT bus, TN Bristol sign
Sunsphere in Knoxville, TN

Your Participation Matters

Click CC to view transcript in English (en) or Spanish (es). View the audio-described version.

We need your input so that transportation dollars are spent wisely.

Accurate information about how people get from place to place helps ensure that transportation funds are spent where they are needed most.

You can make a difference.

Your participation will help build a more complete picture of local, regional, and statewide transportation needs. This allows decision makers to more effectively target transportation improvements.

You are important.

Your household represents many other similar households across the region. Regardless of the number of trips you make and whether you travel by car, bus, bicycle, or other means, your input is vital.

Click CC to view transcript in English (en) or Spanish (es). View the audio-described version.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

One of many data collection tools used by the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) and regional planning agencies in Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Virginia to measure local, regional, and statewide travel and activity patterns. Survey results will help transportation planners determine how to improve roads and public transportation, reduce traffic congestion, and enhance walking and bicycling opportunities.

The survey is being conducted in communities like yours throughout the state of Tennessee and neighbors in Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Virginia. Households are initially contacted by mail and asked to respond to a brief survey about their household. Households are then asked to keep track of the places they go for one day, and to provide details about their travel. Some households may be given an option of reporting their travel for an additional 6 days, or more.

The My Travels Count is sponsored by the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) with support from the Bristol Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Jackson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, the  Johnson City Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization, the Kingsport Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization, the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization, the Lakeway Area Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization, and the Memphis Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization.

TDOT and its regional partners in Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Virginia strive to create a safe and reliable transportation system to support economic growth and quality of life. Understanding how people like you use transportation infrastructure is critical to this mission.

My Travels Count was funded with federal and state planning and research funds. Funds in this pool are not eligible to be used directly on road improvement projects. In other words, these funds must only be used to guide transportation investments.

TDOT and its regional partners in Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Virginia engaged WSP and Westat to carry out this survey.

WSP USA ( is a professional services firm and a national leader in travel demand models including travel forecasting research, development, application, and interpretation.

Westat ( is an industry-leading survey research organization with over 50 years of experience designing and conducting research studies in a wide range of subject areas. They have 20 years of experience conducting national, statewide, and regional transportation-related research. Their transportation survey team is responsible for administering My Travels Count.

You have an opportunity to help your community. A survey of this type is typically conducted once every decade. By participating, your household will be one of only 10,500 households representing your area. The information that you provide will help build a more complete and accurate picture of local, regional, and statewide transportation needs. Regardless of the number of trips you make and whether you travel by car, bus, bicycle, or other means, your input is vital to ensuring that transportation dollars are spent wisely. Households that participate in the survey will also receive a monetary thank you from Westat.

Because transportation impacts everyone, we have carefully selected households across your area to ensure that survey responses represent the diversity of the region. We strive to include residents from specific regions, household incomes, ages, mobility statuses, races, disability statuses, and genders.

No, it is important that we hear from residents of Tennessee and nearby areas of Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Virginia. These areas are included in the planning boundaries of the Bristol, Chattanooga-Hamilton County/North Georgia, Kingsport, and Memphis Metropolitan Planning Organizations.

A household is defined as one or more related or unrelated persons living together in the same dwelling.

The type, amount, and timing of travel is often affected by household characteristics. Attributes such as household member age, gender, and employment status, the number of vehicles available, and the level of household income have a demonstrated impact on travel behavior. Knowing these characteristics is necessary to ensure that we are gathering information from a diversity of households and that the data collected can properly be expanded to represent the population.

No! Only selected households in your area who received an invitation in the mail are eligible to participate. If your invitation got lost in the mail, or if you heard about the survey through social media or a friend or family member, reach out to our team via Contact Us and we can look up your PIN code so you can join the survey.

The data collected from the survey will be summarized to describe household travel in the region. More specifically, information provided by participants will be used to determine the general activities people engage in, the times and means they travel to those activities, the types of places travelers are coming from and going to, and the extent to which trips are combined (for example, grouping together your errands). An anonymized, publicly-available dataset will be developed from this information but it will not contain any person names, addresses, place names or other personally identifiable information. For details about how the survey data will be protected, please review the Privacy Statement, below.

The information you provide will be used for planning, maintaining and improving our regional and state transportation system. This includes infrastructure such as freeways, highways, streets, sidewalks and bike lanes, as well as services such as transit. Survey data are also used by air quality agencies to better understand how motorized travel contributes to vehicle emissions.

Taking the Survey

Everyone's experience is a bit different, so the time needed to take the survey will vary. The number of people in your household, the number of trips made, and other factors determine the actual length of the survey. To get started, participants are asked to complete a brief 5-minute survey about their household. Then, they will be asked to tell us about the places their household went on an assigned day. This step takes about 20-25 minutes per household member.

Once you have been assigned a travel date, each person in your household has the option to participate in the survey via the smartphone app DailyTravel or by web. If you or others in your household choose to use the smartphone app, you should install it before your assigned travel date. If you choose to participate by web, we will provide an instruction sheet to log your travel and you can enter the information online the next day. On the assigned date, each person will report their travel details (an adult must report for children ages 12 and younger). After everyone has reported travel details, you will provide additional information about your household. Once complete, you will receive your reward!

No. Person names, addresses, place names and other personally identifiable information will never be shared with the public. Only summary information obtained from the survey may be included in publicly available documents. This might include, for example, statistics about transportation mode choices. An anonymized, publicly-available dataset will also be developed from the survey information, but it will not contain any person names, addresses, place names, or other personally identifiable information. As required by the Privacy Act, your specific activities and travel patterns will remain confidential, as will any contact information you provide (your name, home address, phone number, email address, etc.). We will only use your contact information to conduct the survey, or to validate or confirm your survey data.

Participation in My Travels Count is voluntary. While some questions are required for participation, you may decline to answer any question. Your privacy will be respected. As required by law, any information that you provide through this survey will be kept confidential.

A significant amount of travel is made by children going to and from school. Often, this affects the travel behavior of their parents or caretakers, not only as it relates to school trips, but how they plan other trips like grocery shopping and running errands. Knowing when and where children go to school and how they get there help researchers, planners, and modelers better understand household trip-making behavior. Getting children to and from school safely is a priority in all transportation planning.

No identifying information about your children is ever made available to the public.

One of the primary reasons for travel is to commute to and from work. A significant amount of travel is also made by people at work. Knowing respondents’ occupations and work locations helps researchers, planners, and modelers better understand how jobs generate travel.

Information about your occupation and work location is used for transportation planning purposes only.

On any given day, many households will have a “non-ordinary” travel day. But collectively, all these variations—less travel, more travel, and different-than-usual travel—balance out. So even if your assigned travel day is out-of-the-ordinary for you or someone else in your household, it is very important that you report what actually occurred on the assigned day. Please do not be tempted to report more or less trips than you actually made on the travel day.

You will be asked to use the travel logs, or smartphone app, just as if you were traveling within your region. However, if you know in advance that your entire household will not be in the state at all on your assigned travel day, please let us know (Contact Us) and we can try to reschedule your travel day. If only some members of your household will be out of the state on your assigned travel date, we would still like to collect data from your household on that date.

Even if you typically travel very little, or not at all, we still need to hear from you! Some people feel that just because all they do is visit a friend or go to the post office, their information is not important. In fact, these people, and those who do not go anywhere at all on their travel day, are just as important as someone who makes many trips. If we include only people that go many places in the survey, we would over-represent daily travel. The purpose of the survey is to get a complete and accurate picture of travel in the area. So even if you did not go anywhere on the day you were asked to record your trips, we would still like to know that. Please do not report more trips than you actually made on your travel day or decline the survey because you do not travel a lot.

We are interested in all the ways that people get around—whether you walk, use the bus, ride a bicycle, use ride-hailing services such as Uber or Lyft, or drive a car, truck, or motorcycle. Even if you are homebound, we still want to make sure your household is included in the survey as it is equally as important as other households.

#Your Privacy

#App Name and the survey organization employing this app are committed to respecting your privacy. We do not sell any personal contact information. Your name and other identifying information will not be shared. Any information obtained by the app during the course of this survey will be with anyone outside of the organization running the survey to which you were invited to participate.

#Information that you provide will be combined with information from other participants. The results will be used by transportation planning stakeholders and policymakers. The data will be used for planning and research purposes only.

#Important Notes

  • #Keep your WIFI on, even when you go out. It greatly improves the accuracy of the app.
  • #Another important tip here.

Contact Us

* Required Field

Survey Hotline

Have questions about participating in My Travels Count or feedback about the DailyTravel mobile app?

Fill out the 'Contact Us' form to send a message to the survey team, Westat, or call their toll-free hotline at:


#We're on social networks

Privacy Statement

The My Travels Count is committed to respecting your privacy.

As required by the Privacy Act, any information obtained during this survey will be kept confidential. We do not sell any personal contact information. Your name and other identifying information will not be shared with anyone outside of the research team.

Information that you provide will be combined with information from other participants. Summarized results will be shared with the transportation planning stakeholders and the general public. The information will be used for planning and research purposes only. No personally identifiable information will be shared with the public in any datasets that are created.

We want you to feel secure in providing responses to our questions. Your decision to participate is voluntary and greatly appreciated. While some questions are required for participation, you may decline to answer any question.

For more information, contact us.

The My Travels Count is committed to respecting your privacy.

As required by the Privacy Act, any information obtained during this survey will be kept confidential. We do not sell any personal contact information. Your name and other identifying information will not be shared with anyone outside of the research team.

Information that you provide will be combined with information from other participants. Summarized results will be shared with the transportation planning stakeholders and the general public. The information will be used for planning and research purposes only. No personally identifiable information will be shared with the public in any datasets that are created.

We want you to feel secure in providing responses to our questions. Your decision to participate is voluntary and greatly appreciated. While some questions are required for participation, you may decline to answer any question.

For more information, contact us.